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30 Days of Shite - You've got to admit, this is way funnier than Half Life.

You run at full speed straight past the goth, aiming for the darker shadows in the far reaches of the alley, but as you pass the goth reaches for you with a long, bony arm (which sounds quite spooky, but it's considerably better than a long, Army boner). It grasps your coat, bringing you to a sudden halt - its strength! Who'd have thought that a pale-skinned, malnourished little weed could be so strong? Clutching you closely, it suddenly sprouts wings so dark they seem to be made of the very fabric of the night - bloody hell! Real wings, not plastic ones like most goths have to put up with. Then you's not a goth. It's a vampire.

With a mighty beat of its wings, the vampire hauls you into the sky just in the nick of time because the Beast is in the alley, its jaws slavering. Its claws swipe through the air close enough for you to feel them passing, but they do not contact your flesh. Blimey. Better hope the vampire's friendly, eh? Do you even get friendly vampires? Better make up your mind 'cos you're already highe than the rooves of the surrounding buildings...

P18aa Nah, I reckon they're all blood-thirsty freaks. What's more, if it carries me back to its castle I'll probably have to listen to a load of shit goth music. I'll elbow it in the ribs, kick it in the balls and think about landing when I get to it.

P18ab May as well give it a go, I suppose. At least the vampire smells better than the Beast and you never know, it might have some hot vampire chicks back at its castle and from what I've heard they're always gagging for it.

P18ac God almighty, I'm bored of this game. Gimme a random article.