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30 Days of Shite.
Sniff. What on Earth is that smell...?

You're quick, but you're not quick enough! The Beast is on top of you - but you've kept hold of the chainsaw. It pins you to the ground and bares its terrifying fangs, lowering its head toward your throat. You feel the hot breath on your exposed skin and - bring the chaisaw up fast, right between the Beast's legs! Take that, n00b!
BUT...the Beast is not only a werewolf/vampire type thingy, it's also a mutant and has evolved a strange bony carapace over its genitals. Not only that, but it's female - the carapace protects it from the saw, but the vibrations are having a strange effect...OMFG, it's getting horny! There you are, pinned to the road by several hundred pounds of unnatural monster and it's getting a proper gusher on! You keep on at it with the chainsaw, hoping the blade will bite through into soft flesh and let you escape, but no - the more you try, the stronger the vibrations get and the more the Beast likes it! Now it's looking at you differently, there's a change in its eyes - could it be?...Yes. The Beast wants you. Are you in deep shit now, my friend.
Using one of its hairy, clawed hands to keep you pinned down, the Beast reaches with the other down between your legs and starts fumbling with the zip of your flies. The growls have turned to grunts of passion as the awful creature gazes longingly into your eyes and it tries to kiss you - the stench of decaying flesh is overpowering and you see ribbons of raw, rotting flesh hanging from the yellowing fangs. How on Earth are you going to get out of this one?
P18 Explain to the Beast that though you're sure she's really quite a delightful person, she's just not your type. However, you dearly hope that you can become good friends.
P19 Scream.
P20 Hey, might as well make the most of it - a shag's a shag, right? Anyway, you always kind of liked women with a bit of body hair.