Major Arcana

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IV The Emperor

The Emperor
L'Imperatore ~ La Emperador ~ L'Impereur ~ Der Herrscher

Legion | Reason | House | El Catrín | The Illuminate | The Legend | Emperor | Do No Wrong | Diogenes of Sinope | Tirthankara | Perdition | Usurption | Waiting | Patron | Wiccan Artcraft | Lotus | Marksman | Hunter


Father A man of dignity and supreme governance, possibly representing an opposing viewpoint.
Phrenology:  Mirthfulness vs. Energies
Planetary Influence:  Aries.png Aries
Hebrew Letter:  ה  Hay / He Window / Inspiration
Runic Order:  Ehwaz / Eh Ansuz / As
Greek Alphabet:  Epsilon  E / Κ κ Kappa
Timeline Representation:  300 AD 400 AD
Numerology:  14 / 15 Ruling Number: 12
Alternate Numbering:  III / Minchiate
order phrenology planetary loteria
IV / 5 / 11 / 12 22 / 21 4


Cary-Yale Tarot deck - The Emperor.jpg

Accomplishment . Achievement . Adrenaline . Adversary . Aggression . Ambition . Applying principles . Assertiveness . Authority . Being systematic . Boss . Business . Categorizing . Challenge . Comfort . Commanding . Compelled to action . Competitiveness . Confidence . Conquest . Controlling . Conviction . Coordinating . Corporate identities . Decision . Defending . Desire to win . Development . Direction . Discipline . Emphasizing structure . Energy . Equilibrium . Establishment . Execution . Exercise . Experience . Family lineage . Fathering . Fearlessness . Following plans . Forcefulness . Framework . Generous . Government . Growth . Guidance . Guidelines . Husband . Incentives . Intelligent . Ironies . Leadership role . Legal system . Legislation . Libido . Maintaining overview . Manager . Masculine . Mastery . Mature . Maximizing potential . Motivation to succeed . New beginnings . Nobility . Nudity . Obeying . Obstacle . Offering explanations . Order out of chaos . Organizing . Patriarchy . Politics . Possible danger . Practical . Professional . Progress . Protecting . Prowess . Rational . Reason . Regimen . Regulating . Resolve . Responsibility . Rulership . Rules . Security . Self-Reliance . Setting the tone . Sexuality . Shaping the material world . Sociable . Solutions to problems . Sports . Strength . Strife . Strong . Superior . Tenacity . Tension . Test . Trial . Using your head . Victory . Vigor . Vitality . War . Will  . Worldly power

Rune Symbol:   Jera.png  Jera Year
Abundance . Change . Commitment . Cycle . Earlier efforts realized . Earth . Happiness . Hope . Legalities . Motion . Peace . Reward


Tarot Belgijski - A4 - Cesarz.jpg

Abrasions . Abuse of power . Anger . Anti-feminism . Arrogance . Assertiveness . Avoidance . Boundaries . Cold execution . Combativeness . Confrontation . Corporate . Cowardice . Cuts . Damage . Danger . Deceiver . Demagogue . Dishonor . Dislike of authority . Disrespect . Domination . Ego . Enjoying the failure of others . Excessive competition . Extreme introversion . Extroversion . Failure . Fathering issues . Feeling trapped . Fire . Force . Harshness . Health quandaries . Hierarchy . Hostility . Immaturity . Impulsiveness . Inability . Incompetence . Indecision . Injury . Insensitivity . Jove-like . Lack of teamwork . Loss of confidence . Machismo . Male chauvinism . Mania . Manipulation . Megalomania . Naked rationalism . Negativity . No ambition . No direction . Non-committal . Out of touch . Over-ambition . Over-work . Parental . Pomposity . Prone to rage . Rashness . Reliance on tradition . Resistance . Self-indulgence . Selfishness . Short-sighted . Threat . Tyranny . Uncooperative . Unreasonable . Violence . Weakness in character

Reversed Rune:   Jera-rx.png  Jera Patience
Bad timing . Conflict . No fruition . Poverty . Repetition . Seasonal . Setback

Major Arcana
The information presented here is the result of over twenty years of personal research – it is otherwise unpublished and not copied from the internet. Please do not duplicate this information without my consent. Thank you.