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 BENSON's Bathroom Score: 60 + 1 Flower Point Moves: 33

> Wash hands

You spend the next 30 seconds washing your hands, just like you learned in preschool! You're a GOOD PERSON! You gain 25 points for cleanliness! Yay!

> Brush teeth

You brush your teeth, then check them. They're SUPER CLEAN! And your breath is fresh too! +1 Flower Point! Good for you!

> Pat self on back

You pat yourself on the back. You deserve it too! You're such a nice person!


Suddenly BENSON crashes through the door. He knocks you out with several well-aimed pancakes and drags you back to the kitchen to be made into a new flavor of pancakes, Slaughterberry. They are a smash hit of course, and make him millions after he clones your remains in BENSON'S Cloning Device. He then goes on to open hundereds of Pancake Houses worldwide, eventually cornering the pancake market and becoming hopelessly wealthy and sucessful!

> But that's not fair! Who would eat THOSE pancakes?

Fair? What part of BENSON IS BETTER THAN YOU did you not understand!?

*** The End ***