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Uncyclopedia:VFH/UnNews:President pardons furries

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UnNews:President pardons furries (history, logs)

Article: UnNews:President pardons furries

Score: 7

Nominated by: Kip
For: 7
  1. Nom.gif Self-nom - See if I can go for a Thanksgiving feature. The third of my traditional "President pardons" series, but the only thing remotetly in-jokey would probably be the Fergie turkey at the end. -- Kip the Egg Easter egg.gif Talk Easter egg.gif Works Easter egg.gif 16:06, Nov. 6, 2015
  2. Symbol for vote.svg For. What better way for me to superficially end my inexplicable hiatus than to vote for this? ~EveryOtherUsernameWasTaken(dtf?) Icons-flag-scotland.png 14:58, 7 November 2015 (UTC)
  3. Symbol for vote.svg A shame Obama left out all mentions of Jessica Rabbit being bloody hot. Then again, she could be a human who only has the last name Rabbit because of her husband. Either way, I'll take it. ~I am a golden god! You're talking a lot, but you're not saying anything. 21:08, 11/09/2015
  4. Symbol for vote.svg For. You know, Monty Python invented the furry fandom in 1974. MyOwnBadSelf (talk) 22:16, 10 November 2015 (UTC)
  5. Symbol for vote.svg For. Mr-ex might like this too. 16:32, 19 November 2015 (UTC)
  6. Symbol for vote.svg For. IFYMB! Talk to me baby! 10:29, 22 November 2015 (UTC)
  7. Symbol for vote.svg For. The picture of Britney Spears as a turkey hurts me physically. – roza (talk ☭ ctbslog) 16:37, 22 November 2015 (UTC)
Against: 0

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