File talk:Mormon family.jpg

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You know, the Mormons have a breeding fetish. The women want to be eternally pregnant and the men love having 10 "sister wives" to keep all of them pregnant, and barefoot in the kitchen as much as possible. Polygamy: it's not just the Muslims anymore. 06:54, July 15, 2012 (UTC)

That's nice, dear. Did you also know that Mormon men have power fetishes, and often travel to far-off distant countries to show the poor, uneducated natives how to worship God properly? Yes, it's true. Some of them even go on to become big big men in shiny suits with lots of money and slicked-back hair. (The Mormon men, not the natives; natives don't wear clothing, silly!) Did you know that? ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngSun, Jul 15 '12 7:15 (UTC)