User talk:Charlatan

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5 entries found for Charlatan. char·la·tan Audio pronunciation of "Charlatan" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (shärl-tn) n. A person who makes elaborate, fraudulent, and often voluble claims to skill or knowledge; a quack or fraud. Also known as Ythan.

Ythan is an eight foot, three inch talking penguin...from space. He has hooves for feet and large tenticals in his nether regions that hide his genitals and are used for grasping partners during copulation.

His super abilities are equal in power and strength to that of Aquaman. He maintains several love affairs with goldfish in petstores across the country.

So yeah. Ythan is a trollop and every woman seems to want him and his hooved feet. He also has a penchant for smearing blue warpaint on his half nude body and yelling in slow motion at hordes of unwashed Englishmen on horses while some poor sucker toots on the bagpipes.

He has 12 children with Trisha and currently resides outside of Cincinnatti. 11 of the 12 children are currently employed in secret American sweatshops. The 12th is currently too young to hold steady employment.

He keeps Trisha barefoot and pregnant and often chains her to the stove so she can't stray from her kitchen duties. She however has an elaborate network of operatives that carry out a number of duties for her. She also has scud missles in her breasts so Ythan rarely talks back to her.

Ythan works as a used car salesman, which makes him a charlatan.