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Chapter 1
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Rudy wakes up, unaware of the rabbit sitting in the corner of his room. Soon, it will feed... soon. But for now, he may live. He heads downstairs to prepare himself breakfast. He prepares the sausage and eggs he so carefully stored away the night before. The rabbit watches. The sausage sizzles while the eggs begin to cook. He prefers his eggs over-easy. Giant blue waterfowl fly overhead as he prepares his breakfast. He still remains oblivious to the rabbit that seems to have taken so much interest in him.
The rabbit sits under a small table on the other end of the room. He prefers to hide.
Rudy pours himself a glass of orange juice, and sets it on the table. His eggs are done, but the sausage needs another minute. He decides to spend this extra minute making toast. He grabs the loaf of rye bread from the top of his refrigerator. He untwists the twist tie that kept the bag closed and removes two slices of bread, which he puts in the toaster. After putting the bread in the toaster, he closes the bag and returns it to the top of the old refrigerator.
Outside, more large blue waterfowl fly overhead. They are migrating. Rudy stares out the window at the large V formation they have created in the sky. He remembers when things were ordinary. There never used to be birds like this. The only thing that remained ordinary was his life, and even that was beginning to change. Although, he has not noticed any change yet.
As if puppeteered by mysterious forces, Rudy gets up and turns on the television. He passes by the rabbit, and never notices it. It is an old black and white television. Most of the things in his house are old, he sees no need to get anything new. The only thing he watches on the TV is the local news. On the screen there is a man and a woman, the man is talking.
"A local area man was taken into custody yesterday on charges of creating a public disturbance. Neighbors report first noticing the disturbance at approximately 3:30pm and alerting police at 3:45; the unidentified man was charged and arrested without incident shortly thereafter. Onlookers and passers-by described the disturbance as 'very disturbing.'" said the man on the TV. Rudy wondered for a second about the story, then pushed it out of his mind. All he had left of his breakfast was sausage now, which he began to eat.
The rabbit watches.


Later that day, Rudy decides to go out. He lives far away from the town, which he can never seem to remember the name to. But that is never important to him. The only time he ever goes into town is to buy groceries. He has no friends or family to visit. He is complacent with his life. This is mainly because he has never known any different.
As he walks out the door, he notices the newspaper sitting on his porch. He always wonders why they bother to deliver it this far out of the town. He will bring it inside to read it after his walk. He did this every day.
Leaving the newspaper and his house behind, he gets on the road and starts walking. He heads in the direction away from town.
The road he lives on is never busy, and no cars passed him on the hour long walk to where he is now. He is now at a lake, which nobody seems to ever go to. It is a beautiful lake, untouched by man. He likes it here, it is peaceful. He notices some more of the large blue waterfowl in the water. He watches them.


The rabbit watches as Rudy walks out the door. The rabbit does not know where he is going, so the rabbit decides to follow. The rabbit follows from a distance, preferring not to be seen. It stays in the bushes on the side of the road, following Rudy. Eventually they come to a lake. The rabbit notices some birds in the water, but that is not what he is interested in. After about an hour of sitting and watching Rudy, he decides to walk away. He knows that Rudy won't go anywhere, so he decides to cross the road. At the time he was halfway across the road, the emptiness of the road ends, as a car comes speeding around the corner.
The rabbit does not notice this car until it is too late. The car's tire finds him and rolls over him with ease. The driver of the car most likely noticed the bump, but probably did not think too much of it.


Rudy hears a car go by, and a strange noise. He decides it is time to go home. He had a newspaper waiting to be read.
He was slowly coming to the realization of how boring his life was becoming. He knew there was little he could do about this, though. He had no social connections to people. Most people probably did not even know he existed, and probably did not even care. Nobody could even visit him easily because he lived so far outside of town.
He looks up at the sky and notices it has taken on a deep shade of red, even though it is in the middle of the afternoon. He had recently noticed that the sky had been slowly changing in the past few months. He never really thought much of it, though.
In one of the worst spots for an advertisement, there is a billboard about a hundred yards from his house. It is a drawing of a heavyset stick figure with the words "perhaps I will have an alcoholic product." Every time he sees this, he laughs to himself. He has no clue what it is supposed to be advertising, or if it is supposed to be am advertisement at all. All he knows is that it looks out of place among the trees. It has been there as long as he can remember, and it shows some age. The background is somewhat of a light brown color from dirt, and any color that was once on it has almost completely faded away.
Fading. Just like everything else around him. The only thing that seemed to be getting newer was the woods that were just outside his house.

Chapter 2
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As George walked along the shore, the wind pressed against his face. The sand began to blow across the beach in swirling white clouds.
George is a man in his fifties, he resembles a miniature drunk Santa Claus. He often gets funny looks for his appearance, but he does not care. He stares out towards the ocean. The sun is setting, painting the water and sky with brilliant colors.
He stares towards the horizon. The ocean seems to stretch on forever. There is not water in this ocean, but rather juice. The ocean has an orange color to it normally, but in the setting sun, the reflection of the sky creates the appearance of a colorful vomit over the water.
Not only is the view pleasant, but so is the smell. The ocean always gives off the scent of fresh squeezed oranges. Such a pleasant scent.