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Cyril the Squid

Cryil is a well meaning but dangerous Syrian terrorist who (whilst wearing fake glasses and nose) has been rescently in the news for entering Turkish Airspace in an attempt to inflitrate the Turkish government in order to break into the main turkish export known as "Delight"


disguised as a plane

Early Life Cyril spent his formative years flopping about in various puddles in an attempt to please his deeply puratinical father, before meeting and becomming the pet of a beloved president Asad.

Powers of disguise

Using various disguises - including but not limited to:


Comedy Glasses (worn to penetrate passport control)


Some vegtables (just because)


An 1800's painting for putting on your office wall... it only moves when your not looking at it.


Spotted in 2012 by Jason, he was eventually caputured, rolled in batter and eaten to much appause. As Jason was in England this was achieved via Network Enabled Capability.