User:Mr Wuggles/NEDM

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Definition[edit | edit source]

NEDM stands for "Never-Ending Death Machine".

No, it's not the Terminator. Stop asking.

NEDM is a nefarious, evil kitten created from pits of hell. Men have been reported to scream and shit their pants (maybe they have the shits?) whenever the feared NEDM approaches, as the flash techno music of "Coburn - We Interrupt This Program" merely add to the sheer amount of horror.

The NEDM can kill you by using its metallic claws of doom on your testicles. Also, it can laser-eye you to death, send you to another dimension with its magical feline eyes, and summon massive amounts of Oprah Winfreys to annihilate you.

The Kitten That Cannot be Huffed[edit | edit source]

The NEDM cannot be huffed. Futile attempts to try to huff him have resulted in the destruction of peoples. The NEDM contains poison that can be secreted from its ass to blind the huffer, and then use his eye-beams to vaporize the wretched fool.

The NEDM does not really give a shit about other cats that face a death due to huffing, as it is too busy being evil.

NEDM Vs. Cabbage[edit | edit source]

The only rival of the NEDM is the dread cabbage, a gruesome and fearless warrior. Both are inexplicably evil, so who would win in a fight?

Well, thanks to