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Many people believe that a sentence can only be so long before it becomes a run-on sentence; however, this is complete bullshit, as one can sting an infinite number of ideas together without violating the laws of grammar if one knows how, like what I am doing right now as I type this article; firstly, proper semicolon use is important in order to avoid what is called a comma splice, which a a form of run-on sentence generated by using a comma instead of a semicolon in order to connect two independent clauses, i.e. two phrases what would be sentences of their own if the connecting word was removed; technically, a proper connecting word is not even needed, as a semi-colon can link two independent clauses together without even a connecting word; although, a connecting word does make the text flow much more smoothly, and allows you to change topic much more gracefully, avoiding giving the reader the feeling that a period should be where the semicolon is located; that being said, the value of stringing separate clauses together pails in comparison to the importance of filibustering, which is the process of filling text with unneeded words, phrases, and other time wasters for the sole purpose of wasting time, and consists of redundancy; which is saying the same thing over and over again in different words, having a series of synonyms, repeating oneself, and other such things; and changing the subject, which consists of writing of some new subject, and allows one to meander away, as it were, and later work back to the original subject, as Stom Thrumond often did while fillibustering the 1957 civil rights act; which he in order to protect States Rights, not, as some people believe, because he was a racist because, as one can clearly see from his later record, he was not a racist, he only pretended to be a racist in order to win elections, like George Wallace, his contemporary, who has been governor of Alabama for 4 terms, that being said, I'm not here to defend Senator Strom Thuromd of Governor George Wallace, but to show you, the reader, how to write a sentence which lacks a conclusion; granted, I would need to place a period somewhere, since I am a human being can not write for all eternity; but, if I can go and on for long enough I will prove my point that one can write an infinity long sentence without breaking the rules of grammar, in fact, I do not actually need to filibuster at all once I think about, because if I can string infinite clauses together, I could just ram together short clauses, but, filibustering does make it easier, in that I need to think of fewer total clauses and it allows me to get off topic with less difficulty; but, you might find it easier to write out a very long sentence consisting of short clauses first, then go back and insert filibustering and other time wasters into your massively long sentence.