User:Dr. Skullthumper/Portal 2

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Portal 2 is a first-person puzzle-platform video game developed by Valve Corporation. The sequel to the 2007 game Portal wherein the player is challenged to shoot holes in walls, Portal 2 promised to give players even more holes to shoot into still more walls. The release date was slated to be April 18, 2011, but due to the reality-bending phenomenon known as "Valve Time" it was released more than a month ahead of schedule. This came as a surprise to all, not least of which were the developers, who hadn't finished coding it yet.[1] It is available for Windows, OS X, Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and the not-yet-existent Playstation 4, owing its existence to another temporal glitch.[2]

Gameplay is mostly based upon a holes-being-shot-in-walls mechanic, much like its predecessor. Unlike its predecessor, however, numerous other challenges have been added into the game. The return of the award-winning character GLaDOS, increasingly wittier lines of dialogue, and jaw-droppingly good graphics work have all been inserted into the game to distract the player from shooting holes in walls. A cooperative campaign was also added with double the number of holes to be shot in walls, to much critical acclaim.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Fortunately they immediately began playing the game for inspiration, resulting in a stable time loop upon finishing the game a month later.
  2. Sony is currently reverse-engineering their next generation platform as we speak.