Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Guile

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This is an article I worked quite hard on (not to say I don't on others), so I feel alright about it. However, I know there is always room for improvement so let it rip! S3ahawk 01:17, August 18, 2010 (UTC)

Guile[edit source]

S3ahawk 01:16, August 18, 2010 (UTC)

Humour: 7.5 *Intro Great opening really gives you an idea of the article early on, though not quite to the lunacy it turns out to be. The quotes are decent nothing to call home about except maybe the last one. The Julia quote is probably the most meh quote of them all and kind of contradicts the entire article. Why would he not be loyal if he's such an apple pie patriot?
  • The birth of an American hero His early life is truly epic and I much enjoyed it. The whole basically being raised by an eagle just early on shows how uber patriotic Guile is going to become and shows early on his thirst for revenge. I found it very funny that he found himself in the woods. The education part is nice to read, mostly the part about him being adopted and all that. His time on the school yard is a bit unnecessary and kind of drags for a bit but it is funny.
  • Air Force Experience Air Force Academy this seems like alongside his early childhood education as really unnecessary, but I must admit I found the whole record about him killing people as a kicker to be hilarious. So for me its up in the air. The Upper Projectile might be one of the best sections if not the best in the entire article, its just so ridiculous that it somehow became the highlight. Plus when playing the video game I always wondered how Guile learned stuff like that. Something you covered nicely with the whole being raised by a bald eagle.
  • Returning home and becoming a family man This is a weird section to me because after the entire article this becomes a bit too much, I think it would be just easier personally to say he met Julia at a bar fight and then go into the rest of what you have written but please understand thats just an opinion. In all honesty most people will probably find the description of the bar fight to be great and love the fact he made women do rock, paper, scissors to decide whom he had sex with. So I'm telling you how I feel on that section, but keep it in and don't listen to me.
  • Service in Desert Storm Good transitional paragraph, doesn't go on too long and the whole Purpler heart thing was really great, apparently purpler is a real word. So maybe the medal does exist.
  • Tournament of fighters: a chance for vengeance I feel something more can be added to this, not too much more you dont want to make it laborious to read this article but I just feel its so anti-climatic in comparison to the other sections.
  • Service in Operation: Iraqi Freedom The weakest section, you need to fix this, its just kind of lame, its not funny at all and even though its just like a footnote I just didn't find it interesting to read at all. You could just add a sentence at the end of the Tournament section about Guile going off to find Bison in Afghanistan this section is quite frankly useless and probably needs to be removed.
  • His theme songThis is super funny, but unless you edited that youtube video itself its kind of cheating because its someone else. Not that you should get rid of it, keep it! It was super humorous and I even saved it to my own youtube favorites.
Concept: 7.5 I dont know why more people don't do video game characters, they can be so easily molded and made into these over the top characters. So I commend you for taking on a classic like Guile. Still in the end he basically just becomes a 16-bit Chuck Norris.
Prose and formatting: 6.5 While the jokes are well written its format is a bit weird, its too blocky, for goodness sake dude just because its all one section doesn't mean you can't have paragraphs. People are going to see those big blocks of text and their eyes will glaze over so break it up a bit.
Images: 8 Great pictures and of course the video is hilarious the gifs of Guile using his sonic boom are a must. They are good pictures but I feel the whole making video games live action and live action art is a bit of a lost cause. I feel you could provide better caption in the 16 bit picture of Guile fighting on the airforce base. Maybe use a picture from the animated street fighter movie.
Miscellaneous: 7 The Guile video is great, so are the gifs though not sure why you have them twice. Maybe you could find a gif with another person it in so you actually see someone getting hit with the sonic boom? Not sure if thats possible but just try looking for one if you haven't already. Also I feel you should mention some other Street Fighter allies in this article to make it more inclusive to the street fighter universe, reading this article would make you feel as if M.Bison and Guile are the only important characters in Street Fighter maybe thats the point, so if it is my apologies but if its not you need to get on that.
Final Score: 36.5 Guile = Chuck Norris but I don't mind this article is hilarious and you should be ready to take a stab at the VFH after you change the freaking mountains of text stuck together and maybe add a little more pizazz.
Reviewer: --Dr. Fenwick 20:38, August 18, 2010 (UTC)

I really appreciate the feedback, and I am currently working to break up the article a little bit. I am going to avoid including more Street Fighter characters due to the fact that Ryu/Ken have very little to do with Guile's endeavors (aside from Ken being Guile's brother-in-law). I felt okay with the minor inclusions of Balrog and Vega, and I really wanted to adhere the classic storyline as best I could. However, I will be happy to include more characters as people begin to write separate articles for the other characters (Only Chun Li has her own article as far as I can tell; the others are just re-directs to Street Fighter).

As for your comments about the going home and being a family guy, I think the awkward placement of SF-lingo could be minimized along with the description of the fight. I really meant to pay homage to Guile's kicking the crap out of Ryu in the anime (SFII V).

I hate to go out of order, but I changed the quotes to better comply with your notes. Hopefully you find the Chun Li quote a tad more humorous (playing on the developers' oversight in the original release... and her ungodly large thighs).

Anyway, thanks again! Your insight is really helping me think of some edits to make the article the best that it can be. Also, I am flattered by your comment that it could be VFH material. Thanks for everything!

S3ahawk 21:27, August 18, 2010 (UTC)