Forum talk:Huff the Game Namespace

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Fuck all that shit. go and shove this trash up your ass, bitches. - I'm not just another n00b...oh wait, I am. LOL vandalz 21:58, April 4, 2011 (UTC)

You could've just said "tl;dr" and be done with it, you know? Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 22:05, 4 April 2011
Why is there a forum talk when the forum is supposed to be about talking? --Care for a lick? Lollipop Care for a lick? - CONTRIBS - WRITINGS - SHOP - Now adopting! 22:08, April 4, 2011 (UTC)
This is where the real work gets done. The forum is just to distract the yokels while we decide things in the back room. Aleister 22:37 4-4-'11
Ooh, No it's not!! Aaaargh! I'll eat an Eurg Before I..... - I'm not just another n00b...oh wait, I am. LOL vandalz 22:39, April 4, 2011 (UTC)