Left arrow

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Left Arrow is one of the most culturally important symbols in American Culture. The Left Arrow is found in nearly all public places, especially in restaurants. It can mean many things depending on where its placed.

Symbolism[edit | edit source]

  • The arrow's "shaft" represents the strength of America to stand together as well as the stripes on the American Flag
  • The point represents how Americans will fight strong and hard for a cause that they believe in
  • Also represents how Americans will never take responsibility for anything, and always will blame the person standing directly to their left.

The Left Arrow[edit | edit source]

Basic Arrows[edit | edit source]

Basic Arrow[edit | edit source]




Standard American Arrow[edit | edit source]

 / --------
 \ --------

Variations[edit | edit source]

The Confused Arrow[edit | edit source]

  /       \
 /-------- \
/           \
\ --------  /
 \         /

Inverted Arrow[edit | edit source]


Groups' Arrows[edit | edit source]

Pacifist Arrow[edit | edit source]


Anorexic Help Arrow[edit | edit source]


The Mathematician's Arrow[edit | edit source]

x <= mc^2

Minimalist Arrow[edit | edit source]


Elaboratist Arrow[edit | edit source]


Optimist[edit | edit source]

 /  --  
 \  --  

Pessismist[edit | edit source]

--  /
--  \

Braille Arrow (Arrow For the Blind)[edit | edit source]

 . . . . . . 
 . . . . . .

Phonetic Arrow (Arrow For the Deaf)[edit | edit source]

Space space forward slash
Space forward slash line line line line line line
Forward slash
Backward slash space line line line line line line
Space Backward Slash

LoL Arrow[edit | edit source]

  LoL -o--o--o--o--o--o-
 LoL -o--o--o--o--o--o-
LoL -o--o--o--o--o--o-
 LoL -o--o--o--o--o--o-  
  LoL -o--o--o--o--o--o- 

Multiple Arrows[edit | edit source]

1/2 Arrow[edit | edit source]

  - - - -
  - - - -

Double Arrow[edit | edit source]

\\ ====== 

Quadruple Arrow[edit | edit source]

 //// ==========
 \\\\ ==========

Octuple Arrow[edit | edit source]

NOTE: Only those with immense Magical Powers are able to construct an Octuple Arrow. It appears here created by master sage Lord Gehnatruvana.

     //////// ======================
    ////////  ======================
   ////////   ======================
  ////////    ======================
  \\\\\\\\    ======================
   \\\\\\\\   ======================
    \\\\\\\\  ======================
     \\\\\\\\ ======================

Decahexupple Arrow[edit | edit source]

Nobody is known to have yet constructed a DecaHexaupple arrow.

Not An Arrow[edit | edit source]



Letters of the Sun Alphabet:
Help |   | F1 | F2 | F3 | F4 | F5 | F6 | F7 | F8 | F9 | F10 | F11 | F12 | Print Screen | Scroll Lock | Paul | Mute | Volume Down | Volume Up | Power
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Open | Paste | shift | Z | X | C | V | B | N | M | , | . | ? | shift | up arrow |                                         1 | 2 | 3 | enter
Find | Cut | caps lock | alt | Meta | s p a c e b a r | Meta | Compose | Cast Spell | Alt Graph | left arrow | down arrow | right arrow | 0 | .